Buffalo's Sign Company

Nationwide Signage with Local Craftsmanship

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Old Challenges, New Solutions

In a digital world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to connect in a physical environment. Business signage must do more than simply present your brand. It has to invite people into your establishment with a welcoming mindset. Flexlume, a leading national sign company, can help you navigate every aspect of your signage, from design and manufacturing to obtaining permits and installation.


Brand Awareness

Letting people know that you are there, alive and well, and ready to serve them.

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Traffic Enhancement

Bringing people through the front door in a mindset to purchase.

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Dynamic Messaging

Dynamic Messaging

Delivering timely messages instantly to customers to increase traffic and revenue.

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Engineering & Installation 1

Engineering & Installation

Displaying the right message reliably requires thoughtful engineering and installation.

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Client Success

A sign company thrives on the success of our clients, and we take great pride in the attention to detail we apply to every project. See how our national corporate sign clients have thrived by partnering with the Flexlume team.

Local Sign Company, Nationwide Signage Solutions

A sign is more than lights, plastic and metal. It has to deliver the right message at the right time in the right place to build brand awareness and attract customers seamlessly. We provide national corporate signage solutions that ensure your brand stands out and effectively connects with your audience wherever you are.

Speak with a National Signage Solution Expert

A few minutes is all it takes to determine if we have what you need to take your company to the next level.


Since 1904, Flexlume's experts have been introducing people's brands, products, and services to their customers. As a major sign company with a national reach, we are ready, willing, and able to give your brand the treatment it deserves.

Coca-Cola signage with logo

Invitations to Success

It begins with imagination, being able to envision customers as they pass by, interrupting their thought pattern, and inviting them to pause and take a closer look.

Once that customer has become aware of your brand, you have to invite them in and give them reasons to buy. Your signage and illumination all play a critical part in this process, even more so in an increasingly digital world.

From the Flexlume Blog

Learn more about our sign company, nationwide signage solutions, expertise, and our success stories.